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neural arch中文是什么意思

用"neural arch"造句"neural arch"怎么读"neural arch" in a sentence"neural arch"的同义词


  • 【动物;动物学】髓弓。


  • Diagnosis of spina bifida requires the systematic examination of each neural arch from the cerical to the sacral region both transersely and longitudinally
  • In the transerse scan the normal neural arch appears as a closed circle with an intact skin coering , whereas in spina bifida the arch is " u " shaped and there is an associated bulging meningocele ( thin - walled cyst ) or myelomeningocoele
    在横切面上,正常神经弓表现为闭合的环,有完整的皮肤覆盖,然而在脊柱裂,弓变成“ u ”型,有相应的脑膜膨出(薄壁的囊型结构)或脊髓脊膜膨出。
用"neural arch"造句  


  • a structure arising dorsally from a vertebral centrum and enclosing the spinal cord
    同义词:vertebral arch,

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